Like and Share

Fr. Gregory Tschakert 
St. Katharine Drexel Parish 

Fr. Tschakert 01

Fr. Greg Tschakert
St. Katharine Drexel

Evangelization has been the main topic of discussion at our Parish Council meetings for the past year and a half. Each month we have reviewed statistics and shared personal stories of people who no longer gather to pray with us.

It is often hard for Catholics to wrap their heads around the concept of evangelization. First of all, it's hard to acknowledge that we need to evangelize. Until we actually start to relate our own stories of friends and relatives who have grown lax or even cold in the faith, the diminishment of the Church doesn't seem real. It always seems like there are lot of people at Mass, so how many can be missing?

Then, as it dawns on us that this really is an issue, we begin to wonder how we could invite these people back home. Catholics are not accustomed to knocking on doors or even sharing our own faith stories.

Several months ago a plan was conceived to share personal stories of faith from our own parish with a large audience. The inspirational “Like & Share” story, seen below, is one of them.

And that is where your participation becomes the vital link. These personal stories will be released from our parish on Facebook, Instagram, and our parish website. From there, we need all of you to pick up these stories and forward them to your many friends and relatives, and anyone else in your network. As people "Like and Share" these messages, the Gospel will be sent well beyond the registered members of our parish.

Like & Share Stories

If you would like to see all the "Like & Share" videos click on any of the images below.

TrishDorn Splash 163 SusieLammers Splash03 DSeiner Splash 02 GloriaPoulin 03 Splash
Trish Dorn  Susie Lammers Dennis Seiner Gloria Paulin
DDorn Splash3 AWilliams Splash 163 KevinFeterl Splash 163 NicoleJohnson Splash 163
Don Dorn Anne Williams Kevin Feterl Nicole Johnson 
IanStark 163      
Ian Stark      

SKDExterior 665

SKD LikeShareLogo 250Our addresses for each of these media sources are:

With the advance of cultural indifference, or even hostility toward religion and spirituality, our Church has been a little slow to respond. We depended on each generation to evangelize the next generation, and often enough, other cultural values eclipsed the message of the Gospel. We hope that our "Like and Share" project might reach some folks who are searching for something deeper in life. Perhaps some will even join us at Mass for another look.